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baby with umbilical cord keepsake

Availability 2025

Mothers in arms prides itself to give each mother one on one personal service. We only take 4 bookings per birth month and yes this works out perfectly even if bub comes early or later than expected birth month.

May- 1x available bookings

June- 1 x available bookings

July- 1 x available bookings

August- 3 x available bookings

September- 4 x available bookings

October- 4x available bookings


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Transformed over 1750+ placentas into capsules to potentially help mothers during the fourth trimester.


Pricing for Sunshine coast mums start at $265-$275. Price includes cord keepsake, collection from Sunshine coast Hospital/Buderim private or your home and delivery of capsules back to you.


North Brisbane mums (Caboolture hospital AND home births) in North Brisbane including Woodford, D'Aguilar area start at $335. Price includes cord keepsake and collection from Caboolture or surrounds of Caboolture area. Travel fee applies outside of Caboolture, postage is available for return of capsules.


Why a travel fee? Mothers in arms is located and local to the Sunshine coast, travel includes extra travel time to and from, tolls.


Postage return will save the extra travel fee and $$. Capsules are bubble wrapped, secured and express postage. (Capsules are received within a few days after collections).



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natural cord, cord keepsake, placenta cord, placenta capsules, pills, placenta pills


Collection of the placenta is normally behind the scenes, meeting birth support or partner at a meeting spot to do the hand over, if bub is born during the night, the placenta will be collected the following morning and if during the day will be that afternoon or the following morning. 

Ideal for mothers to pack a fold down or cooler bag to keep the placenta safe, secure and cold. Midwife will pop the placenta into a enclosed medical bucket with mothers' hospital details on it, with some ice to keep it cold until collection. 

Please just ask for a top up of ice, if needed. 

Buderim private hospital are happy to pop placenta into the fridge until collection. SCUH are following. 

Great reminder for the midwife and OB if mother has a cooler bag to keep the placenta.

Once the placenta has been disposed of into biowaste unfortunately we are unable to retrieve it.

placenta, placenta encapsulation, placenta capsules, placenta pills, placenta encapsulator, certified placenta


Certified up to date blood borne pathology, food and handling certification, health and safety and insured! 🌻

Certified placenta encapsulator registered 2018 with PBiU. 

I've had the pleasure to encapsulate 1600 placentas to date, including mothers from Mackay and FNQ to Redlands Brisbane.

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Pastel Gradient
Mothers in arms placenta encapsulation, mothers with baby, after birth


Mothers in arms was created after my third daughter was born. I wanted to create a safe, secure, trusting and personal encapsulating business as i questioned where my 2nd and 3rd childs placenta were actually processed? 

It had me concerned and i started to investigate what was needed to become a placenta encapsulator, what qualifications, enviroments and certification to handle a placenta? After my investigation, i came the conclusion that my local town of Mackay at the time could benefit from a stable, educated and safe space where their placenta is being processed correctly, the communication of the process was open and allowing the client to see their own placenta during the process. As its often forgotten about and later left wondering.

​I am a mother myself, to a 9, 7 and 6 year old. My first born and 3rd child are neurodivergent and keep me very busy and entertained when I'm not encapsulating.

I have personally  consumed my own placenta's in a capsule form with my 2nd and 3rd child after struggling with prenatal/ postnatal depression, grief & trauma of losing my mother, anxiety attacks and not recovering as quickly as what i was expecting to.  After researching into a natural holistic approach when pregnant with my second, encapsulation was a natural alternative and not only that, but it was also supporting my baby for the 9 months in the womb and could potentially help me during the fourth trimester. 

Personally, experiencing a quicker recovery with reduced bleeding, uterus shrinking to original size, increase milk supply and more energy during those sleepless nights especially with now two children under 2, placenta encapsulation was the best investment i had made towards my postpartum recovery.


Becoming pregnant unexpectantly with our third child, the first thing i did was book encapsulation as i knew it was the best money spent & my mental health was my biggest investment.


Birthing my third daughter was the most positive experience, i birthed her on the side of the road on the way to the hospital in the middle of the night underneath a full moon. Completely unorganised for the placenta to be birthed, i ended up holding my daughter with one arm and guiding my placenta with the other, wrapping it up with my daughter on my chest into my husband's shirt.

The moment i felt the placenta pulsating and giving its final nutrients to our baby was the moment i knew this was my calling. 


I treat every placenta that comes into my care with respect, care and honour to such an amazing organ. My goal is to educate people on such an amazing organ that doesn't get the respect it should.


I look forward to helping mothers achieve a positive/smoother fourth trimester. 


Love, Lyticia.




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Collection times are between 8am-4pm.


Once collected capsules will be back in your hands within 36-48 hours.


Otherwise i do offer a express turn around to receive your capsules within 24 hours after collection for an extra charge.



placenta art, placenta capsules, placenta encapsulator, sunshine coast art, placenta print, placenta, sunshine coast, brisbane, north brisbane, placenta cord, placenta umbilical
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